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Application of temperature sensor in wall hanging furnace

Time:2020-05-18 Views:938
The gas wall hanging furnace has become the main product of household heating. It has two functions of heating and heating water, and it has the characteristics of fashionable environmental protection, flexible installation and so on. It can adjust the indoor temperature freely according to the needs of the individual, and can also do energy saving and low carbon in the field of burning natural gas, thus more actively responding to the country. NTC temperature sensors play an important role in energy saving and emission reduction.
The control mode of gas wall hanging furnace is divided into three ways: water supply control of heating system, compensation control according to outdoor air temperature and linkage control according to indoor temperature. The basic control principle is to set the heating temperature of the wall hanging furnace through the detection of NTC temperature sensor. In the operation of the system, if the backwater temperature reaches the set temperature requirement, the wall hanging furnace will stop burning. If the backwater temperature does not reach the set temperature requirement, then the wall hanging furnace will burn to the required temperature, thus ensuring the safety of use better.
The temperature sensor of gas wall hanging furnace is divided into heating and hot water temperature sensor. NTC temperature sensor is the core temperature controller, which can sense the running temperature of hot water or heating, and can obtain very accurate temperature to ensure the product performance and service life. Provides the ideal heating and hot water equipment for the user, improves the comfortable degree and the enjoyment grade of the home, and enhances the people‘s quality of life.

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