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Discussions on NTC Temperature Sensor for Flexible Flat Cable’s Multi-point Temperature Detection

Time:2023-09-04 Views:681

Small size temperature sensors are highly required for small spaces like those between portable components and main board, PCB boards, and small electrical equipments. Such temperature sensors should be easy to install and detect the temperature from multi-points.


Most temperature sensors are usually with a single head, double heads or multiple heads, and each temperature head is attached to separate lead wires. These old style temperature sensors are difficult to install, not flexible enough, and also with big size.


Exsense has developed a multi-point temperature measuring NTC temperature sensorwith a flexible flat cable. The flexible flat cable is used in the temperature sensor. The flexible flat cable is also called Flexible Flat Cable (FFC). It is easy to connect and can greatly reduce the size of electronic products. , suitable for data transmission cables between portable components and main board, PCB boards, and small electrical equipments. It is soft and thin, easy to bend, fold connect and detach, which can detect the temperature of multiple points through electromagnetic shielding. It is suitable for multi-point temperature measurement on a single interface. This kind of NTC temperature sensor is a good choice for the space with high requirement for ambient temperature and precision.

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