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Fuser NTC Thermistor For Copier and Printer

Time:2020-08-25 Views:1277

      Upper fuser roller is the main parts of photocopiers, laser printers fixing device, the main purpose is to fix the enhancement image copy media, and then through a fixing device for curing, to form a copy of the final product. During the working process of the copier, the temperature of the fixing roller has a great influence on the effect of the drawing, so the temperature range of the fixing roller needs to be strictly controlled by the temperature sensor.


       Temperature is too high or too low will affect the effect of imaging, so the temperature sensor plays an extremely important role in determining the temperature of the fixed film. When the temperature sensor is sensitive to the temperature below the preset temperature, the control board is connected to the heater. When the temperature sensor is sensitive to the temperature above the preset temperature, the heater inside the hot roller is cut off to keep the hot roller working within a certain temperature range.


       Fuser NTC thermistor for copier and printer is mainly classified in shapes as OS, OL, OH, OI,OP and FH series. They are widely used in the printers and copiers of major brands, and have become one of the essential components of office automation equipment.


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